Frequently asked Questions in Real Estate

What are the conditions for creating a SPRL?

The limited liability company is still, despite the fact that legal persons can be part of the ultimate form of society in which we can make a small business or a family business, and where at the same time its liability may be limited the contribution of capital.
A SPRL can be created by one or more persons, a spouse or both spouses together, regardless of their marriage contract. The rights attached to the shares involved are unique to each spouse in whose name the share is registered. The heritage value of the share is her town.
If a person is the sole shareholder in an existing SPRL, then it loses the benefit of limited liability and becomes co-responsible for the debts of future SPRL in which it is the sole shareholder.
The capital of a SPRL, which must be fully subscribed, should rise when creating a minimum of € 18,550 and is represented by registered shares, with or without indication of nominal value, which are included in the register share. Registration for this register is evidence of the associated status and ownership. The capital is formed either by providing cash, by contributions in kind. In the latter case, an auditor must be appointed to check the veracity of this. The entire capital should not be subscribed. It is enough if, on each hand, 20% is paid, with a total minimum of 6,200 €. If the company is created by one person, the minimum pay in the creation of € 12,400. In case of intake of money, payment shall be proved by a bank statement which shows that this money is available to the company creation. In case of contribution in kind, it must be fully subscribed and must be confirmed by a report from the auditor.
The founders must submit a financial plan that evaluates entries and expenses for the first two years of the company. If the company is declared bankrupt within three years after its inception, due to lack of sufficient capital, its founders can be held personally liable for the debts of the company. It is therefore recommended to consider before embarking. In some cases, it may be unnecessary to have a very high initial capital rather than the bare minimum required by law.

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