The agency's methodology

In order to assist and counsel our principals throughout all of the steps inherent to business or goodwill transfers and acquisitions, we have established a methodology, which can be summarised as follows.


Une description, soumise à l’appréciation du client, est réalisée sur bases des documents liés au dossier.

Un mémorandum interne avec data room est élaboré au moyen des pièces fournies. Un reportage photographique ou vidéo peut être réalisé selon le cas pour une mise en valeur de la mission.


Definition of the mission

The compilation of the dossier occurs in conjunction with the establishment of selling or acquisition instructions in collaboration with the transferor. These instructions restate all of the mission conditions and ensure that absolute confidentiality is respected for the various business procedures.

Exclusivity (which is required in order to finalise any negotiation) must be granted to Bureau Cofim. It is limited to a minimum of six months after the signing date.



A description of the matter is then prepared by our firm.

To this end, we work essentially from documents related to the dossier and from our extensive knowledge of the market.


The preparation of the transfer dossier

A dossier containing all of the financial records as well as any others supplied by the transferor regarding the item to be sold is compiled. This includes an account of the history and the current activities of the business. A photographic report which ensures a concrete visual representation of the asset is included in the dossier. The transfer dossier will be submitted to potential buyers inasmuch as they meet the established requirements.


Market exploration

Besides promoting the assets for sale on our website, we also use our extensive database to seek clients both in Belgium and in surrounding countries. The dossiers are also promoted by means of various other internet portals. The search for potential buyers is carried out both directly (written correspondence, telephone contacts, appointments, etc.) and by means of discreet advertising or selective mailings. We also have access to a network of contacts who are directly involved in the business world and who constitute excellent sources of information.



On the basis of the transfer dossier, we open negotiations with the various stakeholders : buyers, banking organisations, accounting and tax trustees,...

We act as a mediator for both the buyer and the seller through every step of the negotiation, until a deal is reached.


The outcome

We offer assistance in drafting the agreements, both at the preliminary and definitive stages, to parties’ usual counsels.

The amount owing for our service deliveries is only billed upon final and complete conclusion of the dossier.

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Wallonie : +32 (0)86 321 400
Bruxelles : +32 (0)2 895 32 97
Flandres : +32 (0)2 895 32 97
Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

30 years of experience

30 years of existence, 30 years of experience, 30 years of progress, ...

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