Fields of Activities

National departments
Sale of Entreprises // Trading Funds // Businesses & Health sector

Cofim is made up of different agencies specialized in the sale/purchase of companies & businesses since three generations.

Our agency is competent in all sectors to act in the matter of sale of shares or assets.

The departement is active on the whole Belgian territory and in countries bordering Belgium. It also has decisive contacts all around the world.

We pride ourselves to be specialized in some areas such as Health (Retirement Homes, Chemist's…), Care (Institutes for disabled people, Care Homes, Kindergarten…) and Equestrian sectors.

Our advantage is the perfect knowing of these fields.

A confidential and professional service defined in the Confidentiality Charter.

Our advisors will do everything they can for you, as international consultant or as shareholder in different companies.

International departments
Famous in the sale or purchase for third party of luxury properties with character :

Transfer - Acquisition of Companies and Business Assets

Residential, Commercial & Prestigious Real Estate

Equestrian & Agricultural Real Estate

The departement is active in Belgium as in bordering countries and at international level.

Our field of activity is really targeted and the agency is already famous. We offer a professional and confidential service for your property brokerage. Most properties for sale are not marked with advertisements and each possible candidate has the obligation to sign the Confidentiality Charter.

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Contact us

Wallonie : +32 (0)86 321 400
Bruxelles : +32 (0)2 895 32 97
Flandres : +32 (0)2 895 32 97
Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

30 years of experience

30 years of existence, 30 years of experience, 30 years of progress, ...

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