Portfolio Insurance (Hainaut)
Insurance Portfolio proximity created in 1989 and sold due to pension.
The latter is mainly composed of individual customer with 60% mono police.
Legal Structure:
Operating company s.c.r.l. kind holding the goodwill and the building.
Building structure:
The property consists of a main body with built residential garage, a cellar under half of the main body, a rear annex fully furnished professional part including: offices, reception, separate toilet for the professional part , kitchenette, veranda.
The floors of the building are devoted to housing and include a dining room with lounge and kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom.
The capacity of all property (land area) can be estimated at about 414 m².
It is worth noting the presence of a beautiful garden with a pond.
09 Turnover: € 67,000.00
Portfolio details:
Number of companies: 20;
Number of Fonts: 2500;
Composition 95% casualty;
S / P General: 52 to 09%
- Hits: 1065